Tag I'm it...i guess
So I was about to write a blog about my experience as the first person to be a customer at the brand spankin new Starbucks right by my house this morning at 5:30, but instead
Phil S. decided it would be more fun for everyone to learn about my life, so Phil in spirit of "Get-it-done" leadership here it goes:
According to YOUR personal opinion, answer these questions...
ONE of your Favorite Movie MOMENTS of All Time: The scene in
Rudy where the slow clap starts and Rudy finally gets to play, and boy does he play... he even gets a sack!!! RUDY RUDY RUDY!!! ONE of the Greatest Episodes of what TV show ever:
"Saved by the Bell (Any episode...the Zach Attack one's are great... "Talking about Friends forever, always will be Friends forever"...what a classic song)" Phil Strahm nailed it...amazing episode, so I'm going to jump on to that answer
One movie that made you LAUGH out loud many times:
"Talladega Nights, The Legend of Ricky Bobby"
ONE TV show that you wish you could be on:
"The Price is Right or
ONE of your Favorite SONGS of all time:
Where the Street has no name by U2
One song you wish YOU wrote:
"Yellow Submarine" by Beatles...I think it would have been fun to be a Beatle
ONE of the GREATEST movies that NOBODY has seen:
I want to say Garden State, but I'm not sure how many have seen it, i just know not many in NC where I live have! Great movie
ONE song that truly MOVES you:
"From the Inside Out/ Came to the Rescue" by Hillsong United I know Phil and many others are not suprised by this pick but for me the combination of these two songs is amazing...Almost every time I hear this I feel near to the heart of God. ONE movie that truly MOVED you:
ONE MOVIE that you cried at:
MOST PLAYED song on your IPOD to date:
Man in the Mirror by Michael JacksonONE MOVIE that you love that would SUPRISE others to know:
"Identity" ONE SONG that you know ALL the lyrics to:
"Counting to 100" by Matt Wertz
The MOST RECENT song you purchased/downloaded:
Flying into Daybreak by Charlie Hall...So does anyone now care to hear my story about starbucks???
How blessed are we?

So I might be on a bit of a Rob Bell kick...I just got the new nooma video and well i watched it...now i'm not writing this blog about the video, but the video adds to some thoughts that i've been wrestling with and a conversation we had last night in college bible study...So the question i have is how blessed are we?
I mean I am a college graduate with lots of money that I have to pay back, i have a car that i'm scared to drive sometimes, and I don't know the last time i bought any type of clothing. But I'm blessed right...i mean at least I went to college, at least I have a car, and at least i have clothes and a place to eat and sleep. So why to do I keep asking for more? Rob Bell says in this video that to solve poverty it would cost the world 28 billion dollars...The shocking stat is that Americans spend 28 billion on ice cream a year. and yet i want more...This isn't make anyone feel bad it's just what I'm wrestling with. I mean if it's true that only 8% of the world have cars than I really am blessed....So i myself am going to stop asking God to make us a more powerful and rich nation, and ask God to make us a nation that serves the world not ourselves. And that is what I'm going to be praying for myself. That I won't ask for things but rather ask what can I do next to help serve.
How blessed are you? How is God providing for you? How is God using you to provide for others?
Here are some websites that could use your help:
An Ice Cold Glass of Sweet Tea
Wow is it hot!!! All over the midwest and south it has been crazy hot...of course this amazing heat wave moved through when my youth group and I went to camp. The reason it's been so long since I have blogged is the simple reason that Youth Camp pretty much trumpted it all. Also, I've been getting some really interesting responses from my last blog and i've been learning and processing from them...So why is the title "An Ice Cold Glass of Sweet Tea"?
Three weeks ago, I was tired...I'm going to be open with you, I was tired already. I was in ministry for a month and I was tired...I felt like I was always working and it never ended. I wasn't having much fun and I felt like i was loosing grip on my youth group. But I was excited about camp...Being nervous I took my first step on the camp ground where I was going to meet youth pastors who have been in the district and were close and some that were new to the district. The first week I was in a cabin with 14 other high school boys and no AC...but in spite of the heat God moved...The men in my group met with God through the course of the week and so did I. There were people who were very much Jesus to me during the course of that first week and through the second week.
Dwight is a man I think in his fifties who loves the LORD and teens...This man is not a hired staff but he works harder than maybe anyone of the youth pastors...He encouraged the younger youth pastors telling us over and over again how much he believed in us. Then there was John Mann...at a young 42 I've never seen kids from a church or other churches love a man so much...He cared so much about every kid at this camp it was amazing! Whether from my church or any other church he cared for them. Then camp the human Beat Box Raquel...The raw and real girl who loves Jesus more than life itself. She was dedicated to become the woman God had called her to be...I believe one day whether you know her or not now you will hear her testimony. Finally an intern named Kenneth...This kid rocked my face off...his encouragement and his love for me blew me away...I learned a ton from him and the way that he represented Jesus to me and those around him...So here is to Dwight John, Rock, and Kenneth...thank you...you were my Ice Cold Glass of Sweet Tea...the refreshing drink on a hot summer day...
God did amazing things at this camp, changing students lives, but for me he refreshed me, Through worship, through teaching times, and through the daily visit to starbucks with other pastors, God was there and real and God did amazing things and I'm excited about seeing the Revolution move through me and my students...