Avoiding Homework
Do you ever have those moments where everything else seems more exciting than homework? I'm in that mode right now...I know what's going to happen to. I'm going to be up late tonight doing homework, and I'll be tired tom, but this seems much more important to me than Homework...what do you think?
So, How are you? I miss everyone who reads this blog, I don't feel like I communicate well enough to you all, so here's what God has been teaching me lately. 1) He's faithful, I've really struggled with some scripture and why God was so faithful to the people in it. They lied and tricked people into getting what they wanted, yet God still was faithful to them. Now dumb Micah didn't pick up on the analogy of my life to theirs, until I thought of the Covenant. God established the Covenant through Abraham, so he had to stay faithful. Through that line He brought Jesus, which is where I come into play. God's faithfulness to a flawed race brought me into relationship with Him...if any of that makes sense...
2) He's proud of me! I think that speaks for it self
3) He is proud o You! Again I think that speaks for it self
Now I know that these things are basic and maybe a senior ministry major shouldn't just be learning these things, and I"m not God is just reminding me of how Great and Faithful His love for us truly is...What has God been teaching you lately? Talk to me, don't' be shy
Thank you to all who are standing strong up at the front lines of ministry! Paul I love you man, I'm praying for you!!!
Wait What Just Happened

So I was sitting at the computer reading what is needing to be read for my classes tomorrow, when I began to reflect. And did I reflect. I have been asked the question, "How was your break?" At least 25 times these last four days, and my response every time is "Really good, how was yours?" I really am hoping everytime that I ask that people who reflect on their break, even though I haven't. And I realized as I was reading I was needing to reflect so here I go.
Break was great, I really like it! I got to spend some quality times with people. Especially with people from Max and Ermas. The LORD had kept the doors open for me to come back and continue to invest into the lives of those at Max and Ermas. I really do love those people, and being the only professing Christian there is challenging yet an amazing opportunity to show the love of God in a personal way.
Then came time with friends! It was so great to connect with old friends from church. When I left in May for Nappanee I didn't have a lot of contact with those old friends but coming home I got to spend lots of time with them and it was amazing we had so much fun together.
Then came the highlight of my break, ORLANDO, and Logos 05...Everytime I thought about what was going on I just kept saying to my self "wait what just happened...did that really just happen to me" God was giving so many opportunities to connect with people both from the South and from IWU. God was so gracious to me in this time. I'm not going to lie even though I was there to work, I learned more that I was ever expecting. The WORD became so real to me and for the first time in about 4 months I was able to worship God without a care of what was going on around me. I was able to connect with the LORD again! That wasn't the only thing that happened in ORLANDO, i reconnected with an old friend. Her and I spent a lot of time together, infact it was a lot of fun. We are great friends and I am really blessed to have her friendship and I'm excited to see how God directs our friendship. My friends continue to pray for my heart and the leading of our friendship.
How did your break Go? Honest how are you what's happened lately, when you look at the road behind you, what just happened? I can't wait to hear your stories!!!
Wait What Just Happened

So I was sitting at the computer reading what is needing to be read for my classes tomorrow, when I began to reflect. And did I reflect. I have been asked the question, "How was your break?" At least 25 times these last four days, and my response every time is "Really good, how was yours?" I really am hoping everytime that I ask that people who reflect on their break, even though I haven't. And I realized as I was reading I was needing to reflect so here I go.
Break was great, I really like it! I got to spend some quality times with people. Especially with people from Max and Ermas. The LORD had kept the doors open for me to come back and continue to invest into the lives of those at Max and Ermas. I really do love those people, and being the only professing Christian there is challenging yet an amazing opportunity to show the love of God in a personal way.
Then came time with friends! It was so great to connect with old friends from church. When I left in May for Nappanee I didn't have a lot of contact with those old friends but coming home I got to spend lots of time with them and it was amazing we had so much fun together.
Then came the highlight of my break, ORLANDO, and Logos 05...Everytime I thought about what was going on I just kept saying to my self "wait what just happened...did that really just happen to me" God was giving so many opportunities to connect with people both from the South and from IWU. God was so gracious to me in this time. I'm not going to lie even though I was there to work, I learned more that I was ever expecting. The WORD became so real to me and for the first time in about 4 months I was able to worship God without a care of what was going on around me. I was able to connect with the LORD again! That wasn't the only thing that happened in ORLANDO, i reconnected with an old friend. Her and I spent a lot of time together, infact it was a lot of fun. We are great friends and I am really blessed to have her friendship and I'm excited to see how God directs our friendship. My friends continue to pray for my heart and the leading of our friendship.
How did your break Go? Honest how are you what's happened lately, when you look at the road behind you, what just happened? I can't wait to hear your stories!!!
Wisdom from a friend
I'm not going to interject my feelings on this but read it and tell me what you think...
(blog written by kevin wright, and very wise friend of mine who goes to Duke working on his MDiv)