
So, it's cold out...Actually very cold out...When I went to church this and when I got to my car I had to scrape like an inch of ice of the window. Now I don't really like this aspect of winter. Don't get me wrong I love winter, I love snow, I love almost everything about winter except the work that it involves. Ok in the winter you have to drive slower, you have to work harder such as shovel the drive way, and scrape ice of your windsheild. I leadership is like this to. It's got it's great moments in it. We get to see our plans work out, we get to see people fall in love with Jesus. We get to have a blast with those who are working with us. We get to grow and learn new exciting ideas. But there is that other part of leadership that most people don't see. The part that noone likes to do just like shoveling snow, or scraping windows we have things in leadership that are like that. Look at discipline issues. I hate repromanding people, I hate doing the work that I'm not good at but there are just times I have to do it. Dr. Whitesel talks about in his class we need to hire people who are good at the things we're not, but what if we can't? what if we dont' have the resources? For those who are already in ministry what do you do with those skills you aren't great at? do you have people helping you? For those who aren't yet in ministry, what are skills your bad at? What do you see being the biggest leadership struggle for you? How can you prepare yourself for it?
P.S. On a lighter note: i love christmas, and thanks for all those who are Standing firm in the faith and that are preparing the way for those of us to come!
I don't have a great answer for you here buddy. The best illustration i use to describe my interactions with my weaknesses personally or as a church is Michael Jordan. He was known for his clutch offense, but that is not what made him great. It was his striving to be good in every area, even thoughs he shouldn't be like blocking shots and rebounds. We aren't going to be perfect. We should use our strengths or "money shots" but we have to continual to develp in every area by the grace of God that we may be a great vessel for his kingdom.
This whole "weakness" thing is new to me...what is that?
Seriously though, in a perfect world we can balance each other out, but realistically we won't always have the resources.
Great analogy though...I think the true answer to your question lurks behind the big "L." Leadership, and its accompanying effectiveness, can set up and cure many of these problems (again, that is easier than said). In short, the better leaders we are the more problems/shortcoming we can find solutions to. Find a way to raise your leadership lid, as T.Bley would say.
Recognizing the weakness is one thing. Doing something about it is
a whole new department.
Ask for criticism, ask for ideas, be tough and know how to handle them.
Moses, a man who stuttered, was called to be the voice of a nation. Abraham, a man who lied because he didn't trust God, was chosen to father a nation of God's elect. David, an adulterer, was anointed king over Israel. Do you see an emerging pattern. I believe so strongly that God uses less than perfect people in less than ideal circumstances to accomplish his will at many times. It always proves HIS power and leaves no room for the idolatry that humans are so capable of. I do believe that God can and will use us for our strengths because Ephesians 4 is clear about how gifting builds up the body. However, we need to balance that with the scripture that says He is made perfect in our weakness.
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