Heart behind us

What is the heart behind what we do? As Pastors or future pastors what is the heart behind what we do? Being in a church leadership class learning about making churches healthy, i've really been wrestling with what does this look like for me and what I'm going to be doing. What is the heart that I have behind mentoring? Why do I do what I do? I was reading a blog of a former IWU student who is working at a large Wesleyan church in San Diego and she was questioning this very thing Brooke writes " i feel like we are always "doing" stuff and sometimes i forget what it is all for...how does one really show Christ to someone else? Does God really want us to spend money on making things "cool?" If we prayed more would that really change things? What can we expect of middle school students? Are they capable of praying for a longer period of time? What if we didn't preach on Sundays for a month and just had them pray the entire time...and then i wonder where this comes from in me...is it a part of my personality to struggle with finding a purpose in some of this "stuff?" i know that i don't like "sales" type church so is this just a matter of preference or is it Biblical? i just don't know...ministry is so confusing to me...is it really about investing into people's lives? and if this is so then why do we spend so much money on "stuff" and "events" and "videos" and whatever else" Then I was having a conversation with an old pastor/mentor of mind, and he was telling me how he felt like he could loose his job based on the decisions that he was making in ministry! I got confused because he was one of the best childrens pastors i've ever met. He said the major difference was that he stopped listening to "Tradition" and started setting up his ministry by what God was speaking to his heart about. Most of our churches are going to understand this, and this church isn't, but my friends I'm believing more and more that the best programing we can do is what God lays on our hearts. We must not depend on Tradition to decide our programing but what passions for ministry God has layed on our hearts! Don't get me wrong we can learn from Tradition but it's not how we have to always do things. Take the good but be creative, use the mind and heart God gave you to decide what your going to be doing in your ministry.
So ask your self, why do you do what you do? With every program what is the heart behind it?
As anyone experienced this? What ideas have you had that went against the grain of "Tradition" was it hard to communicate it with the congregation?
"Thanks to all those standing firm for the Faith, You are an inspiration to us all!"
Two big things Micah: I do believe more prayer will make a difference in your ministry, and obviously in your personal life. Go back to fall summit and what Kevin Myers said about his prayer life...now he's literally a "prayer warrior" with his sword(I gotta get me one of those). How else are we to discern the will of God if we are not communicating with him. That being said God gives us gifts that we must maximize to help the church run smoother, whatever they may be. We just have to make sure we use those gifts according to His will.
Second, ministries that don't agree with what you feel God is pulling you towards are tough sells. Seek his will and do what you have to do-God will lead you where he wants you. Easy to say, but it can be very difficult to do.
All the "stuff" we do adds up to His glory if it's done in accordance to His will...so prayer has to be the #1 thing.
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