Fork in the Road

Over the last day and a half i've had my last blog posted I've come to a fork in the road and I've learned a few things!
1) My view of doubting is a good thing. I believe we are supposed to doubt but there are things if we are men of women of faith, we don't even walk down that road. For me those are, that Jesus is the Christ! He died and was Resurrected. The church is a means of Grace. I realized recently that I'm not alone. Everyones responses to me, made me understand how not a lone I am! The church is a need for my life, and for me to succeed I need to be in it. I'm called to ministry! I won't ever walk down that road of doubt again! As i examined my life I realized more and more that I can't see myself doing anything else! I love the church I love the work I do in it, and I never want to leave it! God has placed this in my life and I believe strongly that I dont' want to let it Go. (Thanks coach for helping me understand that we can doubt but it's ok to not go down certain paths!)
2) My faith is based on Christ alone and not what other people say into my life. Let me clarify a little. When people speak into my life I must use the lens of Jesus. That He will never fail me nor forsake me and so when people give me wisdom/advice I must look at it as if it would be something God would want me to embrace or not. I'm saying this because i've given certain people the power to speak like Jesus into my life. I'm finding that when they let me down it had a much great effect on me then i thought. This isnt' just one person, this is the many people who've let me down over the last couple of years. I people that Jesus must have the main voice in my life and until recently I had let others have the main voice in my life!
3) We are in a war! Now I usually don't like to talk in this metaphor but for this instance I must. After having a much over due conversation with a leader (that for a long time was afraid to talk to) I realized I was in a war for the souls of man. That when we see those who fall, it should make us want to fight even harder against Satan and his forces. Satan longs for those of us who believe to let go of our faith and deny! But if we who are called by his name fight and fight with an intensity of understanding this is much more than here on earth but this is for eternity than we can defeat Satan. There is a song on the United Cd "look to you" that says "the enemy has been defeated" We have the power to claim victory and live in it...why am I not grasping it? Why aren't we? I think for me at least it's I've ignored this war I need, but I see it so much more clearly now!!! Lets keep fighting!
4) There are amaizing men and women of God fighting that we are overlooking! Thank You PK! Thank You Aram! Thank You Julie! Thank You Jeremy and Andrea! Thank You Kate! Thank You Matt! Thank You Julia! Thank You Micheal! Thank You Chris! Thank You Coach! Thank You Dave! Thank You Bounds! Thank You Russ! Thank You Charlie! Thank you to all who pour into my life that fight the good fight and press on toward the Goal!!! keep fighting! I appreciate you more than you know! Thanks for being people to look up to!!!
Over the last few days there have been some ups and downs, I still haven't found resolution in a lot but I have come to some conclusions that are giving me power and strength in this journey!
Now i've said some pretty close minded things, mostly at the top of this blog, but am I wrong in being that close minded? Is it bad to have these conclusions? Am I missing something more than I can see? How are you handling doubt? Who are the people you've seen fail how has that affected you? And who are Champions of the faith in your life?
lovin the thoughts and updates micah...i appreciate ya!
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