
I learned a lot this week about what it means to be busy. This week was not one that I would have concidered a winning week but a rough week. I was asked to speak at two different events that were back to back. One at 9 the other at 10, and yes two different sermons. I jumped at the opportunity to do both but little did I realize that I was not prepared for any of what was about to happen. I felt so stretched! I the thought went through that I am doing everything I'm supposed to do right? I mean God gave me the gift of teaching lets use it. But I was way off, also this week I had my one on one mentoring meetings that I couldn't put my whole self into, then my d-group which I felt so distracted from because I was preping for these messages. My wedge was a mile wide and an inch deep. I missed out on so much I believe. I'm not saying that the Holy Spirit didn't do amazing things but in my life I wasn't satisfied with what had happened because my heart was to stretched to accomplish everything I felt it had to. How do we in ministry handle the things we love? I mean I love to teach I love people, and I love to invest? Is it true that "more time with less people equals greater impact for the kingdom?" Josh Jackson. Maybe so...My challenge for myself and others this week is make sure your wedge is an inch wide and a mile deep...pick a few and invest, instead of taking on the whole world.
Excellent point Micah. I think many of us feel stretched. In the land of opportunity that is Indiana Wesleyan it is easy to get involved in many great things. (I think one solution is to get the people that play video games 12 hours a day to do some greater activities:)
But back to the main point;
between school work, jobs, church, mentoring, the wonderful world of intramurals, TAWG, and re-reading Staying Power on a weekly basis time can fly.
One thing for me is to be as organized and looking ahead as much as possible. As Charlie would say "If you can see it coming it's to late," so we need to be ready for everything.
Look back to how NMC worked this summer at our internship. Lot's of staff doing what God has directed them to do. Everyone had their role and it benefitted the kingdom the best. It stinks to have to cut things out of your life.
Bottom line-we all need to discern the will of God and make the tough choices that we know we have to make. It is a tough reminder; but congrats on coming to the realization.
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Hey Micah,
Wow - you hit the nail right on the head man. I think far too often we let ourselves get stretched so thing that we aren't able to really have the impact we were meant to have. I think that this is a lesson that is really necessary, and an issue that we must take a serious look at. If we are to truly be out there, having an impact on the world, how do we shape our "wedge" to be as narrow as it can be? On the other hand, are we called to specifically make an impact, or are we just the ones that equip the church to make the impact?
Chris Van Den Berg
Micah, Micah, Micah... will we ever learn?!? I really don't like to be the guy who disagrees just because, but that's whati am going to do. Part of me totally sees that the only way we can minister is by focus and restraint. Another part of me says that unless i have multiple goals and aspirations, that i will become lazy and allow myself to think i could handle my own schedule. After careful prayer and consideration(and i believe that this is the key) i believe it is okay for us to move forward whether that is a time where we do multiple things to the best of our ability through prioritizing or whether through prioritizing we do fewer things to the best of our abilities. It's focus and calling. Focus and calling.
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