Iron sharpen Iron
During this very busy time of the school year I'm finding how important it is to stay connected with other ministers. This week I met with my staff and we connected and just had a great time praying for each other and learning about what was going on in our lives. A great time to encourage each other in ministry. Then I met with Phil Straum...we had lunch this week not just once but twice, and it was great to hear about how things were going and what we each were learning from classes and ministry. I had a third time with one of my mentees named Chad and he and I encouraged each other for a good half and hour before we got down to the discussions we've been haven...All three of these moments brought great joy to my life and encouraged me. All three helped me work through this busy week and the week to come. I'm seeing more and more what it means to have people walk this journey with us. 1 Peter 1 talks about how we "should love people like our lives depend on it" We have to walk this journey together, continually sharpening each other. All three of those instances that I had last week made me a better leader and a man of God. What people are investing into you? Who are you letting sharpen you? What are some ways that I can be helping you walk this long road of ministry?
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