Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My Leaning Post

So the other day for some reason I ran across Alan Jackson's hymns CD. On this cd was a song called "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" Now a disclaimer I don't really like country music and really this blog isn't even about the hymn as much as the idea of actually leaning on the everylasting arms.

I have to admit to you that things aren't going as i planned them last year as I graduated college. In fact things are a lot harder than I ever knew them to be. Which really opened my eyes to the fact that my parents really did love me more than I could have ever known. So even though my parents don't even know that I blog or what a blog is, I have to say thank you for letting me lean on you so much during my childhood and even into my young adult hood.

But now I live in NC 10 hours away and mom and dad aren't here. So where do I lean when things are going well...I've always heard that our faith should become our own, and I finally get it. Over the last month I've realized my faith is not my mentor's, my faith isn't my pastor's, or my parent's. It has to be mine and it is becoming more and more. I can't lean so much on others and I must lean on the everlasting arms of Jesus. More and more I'm realizing how much greater God is to me than I am to Him, which allows me to trust him more than ever before.

It reminds me of the trust game you do in groups where you fall back hoping the person or people behind you will actually catch you...How willing am I to fall back? How willing are you to fall back? How much do we trust those everlasting arms of Jesus?

Thanks to all who have shown me this and who have poured so much into my life spiritually!!! I'm forever indebted to your love and support for me!


At 12:12 PM, Blogger Jason Fry said...

keep leaning...:-D

At 11:13 PM, Blogger The LeRoys said...

We're proud of you and love you man.
-Matt and Sarah

At 3:12 PM, Blogger Phil Strahm said...

Ain't life a trip...just wait until you're married!

The issues of trust and faith will be seen as never before.


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