My Waiting Room
Hey its been a while and I was waiting to write this blog for a while.One of my big experiences for the last three months came in a hospital visit. I was able to go on a hospital visit in November. I began to spend a lot of time with with the family of this lady. We spent hours together in the waiting rooms of this hospital. I began to learn about the story of this family. One of the greatest things that I can tell you happened was the dad of this family asking Jesus to come into his life just before he died. Both parents were on the edge of death and the dad did die in November. Right before he died, the night of actually he asked Jesus into his heart. Unfortunately for his wife she never got to see him after he accepted Jesus.
Three months later, January 22nd 2007 Mrs. Martin passed away. I learned a lot from her as I talked to her. I found out how much she loved the LORD. I was so impressed at her dedication to her family and how she desired to see her kids and grandkids to love Jesus. She is now home with the LORD but continue to pray for this family as the deal with the passing of their mom, grandma, sister, and friend.
i learned a lot from Mrs. Martin in the short time I knew her. She stayed positive and trusted in the LORD the whole time and I never saw a frown on her face as she suffered through the pain. I now take confidence with the family that she is now at peace and in no more pain with the Lord.
Thanks Mrs. Martin for being a role model for your family and young youth pastors whom you just met!!!
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