Battered and Bruised
Have you ever read a book that everytime you put it down you feel battered and bruised. Most of the time I read the Bible I leave that way but there are times where I feel extremely encouraged and refreshed. I have been reading a book recomended by a friend. This book she told me was not a light read and that it had begun to change her life. (Which almost ever pastor had heard before no offense Kristie) So i picked it up at the local Barnes and Nobles along with a Venti Nonfat Iced Mocah Latte. (Don't say anything Phil) With ever book I pick up I read the back and the recommendations to see if anyone I like has recommended the book. Almost every person said the same thing "don't pick it up unless you are ready to have your life changed." So I picked it up.I am only maybe a quater of the way through the book and I have been challenged the entire way through. It has been amazing to hear the journey of this author as he lives with the homeless , lives with the lepors, and hangs out with Mother Thresa (Momma T) as he calls her in the book.
The last couple of weeks there has been the conversation with other bloggers and people in my life about the poorest of the poor and what we are doing to change things...I felt so overwhelmed yet so angry at myself for not having picked up on this idea soon. I have noticed something through this book. The author did not just go for everything, he took steps, steps that grew his ability to relate to the people he was reaching. Not that it was comfortable or safe by any means but it seems that he took steps to meet the homeless, to share love and hope with them and to be Jesus to them. I've learned a lot about how there is not someone that I'm better than but rather I'm just as in need of there love and joy as they need to be loved.
So my friends if you are up for the challenge of loving the least, the last and the lost...take the first step of meeting them and find a place where you can volunteer to help. soup kitchen, shelter, clothing drive, a battered women's shelter, or have a meal for the homeless, but take the first step to meet them. And if you want to read a book that will change your life i mean really change your life and leave you a bit battered and bruised pick up Shane Claiborne's The Irresistible Revolution
Anyone have any ideas other than what i've shared on how to take the first steps or organizations that we can get involved???
Every community has it's own shelters, food centers, etc that you need to find.
In November we will help serve dinner at a feeding center for the 2nd time. But in all reality, there's is little time for personal connection and relationship.
It seems like we have to find a way to develop a personal connection with someone AFTER we have met their most basic needs.
In our town we have Love, INC. It is not perfect (that's a story in itself), but it ATTEMPTS to connect every church in town into a database and be a moderator of those people who need help. This type of accountability helps shy away from repeated "free loaders" who go from church to church to pay bills because they don't wish to work or have an expensive unhealthy habit (drugs, gambling, etc).
However, for anyone to actually receive money from Love, INC they have to go through counseling (example: money management)to solve the true problem. Teach a man to fish vs. give the man a fish philosophy.
It's far from perfect (some people get turned away for various reasons) but it is at least something.
In a perfect, communist society we would all have the same because we all worked as hard...but that is nonsense and can never happen. People are greedy, people take advantage of situations (which only hinder those who are truly in need).
I THINK more needs to be done behind the pulpit. More messages on Evangelism. More messages on helping an individual (making the goal clear and achievable) and not just "all those in need." If everyone takes the small steps then no "organization" is truly needed other than followers of Christ.
It needs to be preached more!!!
Hmmm....I wonder what I just preached upon yesterday (ok, it was Evangelism and not specifically the "least,last,lost"...although that was mentioned.
I will put my basic outline (handout I had congregation fill in blanks to) of Evangelism on my blog and see what people think should be added to it. It is fairly simple so as to keep from being overwhelming.
I've really been dealing with the issue of does the gospel of Jesus just mean the redemption of my soul or the redemption of the entire world? I've come to the conclusion (at least for right now) that it needs to be as inclusive as possible (in meaning).
I guess i've been thinking and wondering if Jesus' atonement atones for not just the fallen nature of man, but for the fallen world...I think that's right, but maybe not said right...i don't know.
But anyways, good stuff...I might need that book.
by the way...what's with the iced nonfat whatchamacallit???
RWW Alough I agree with you that we should teach not just volunteer I do believe the first step is to at least get into their lives and for me that is going to this homeless shelter and volutneering thanks for reading!
Yeah what?
hydrocodone withdrawal
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