"To conquer without risk is to triumph without glory".
Do you know how bad I want the title of this blog to be true in my life. I feel like I'm one of those guys who has caculated most things out before I make the discission to do something. There have been a couple of exceptions to that rule in my life but for some reason I listened to my parents when they told me that every step of my life needed to be planned out. I did not realize they were wrong till this year. There has been this guy that I mentored and discipled over that last three years that shows this better than anyone in my life. Now some of the things Dave has done were lets be honest kind of dumb yet it was down with risk and he over came that fear. I came to this conclusion after seeing Dave last week with another cast on his right arm. This cast has been there since January. Why do I look up to a guy who has had a broken arm for five months. Let me tell you a little bit about Dave. He has been on top of all but 1 building at IWU. He goes on road trips on the drop of a hat, and he's never afraid of a new challenge. Dave lives a life of risk. Now I'm not going to become a memeber of the extreme sports community but I have realized the need for risk in my spiritual life and in my ministry. The Lord is reminding me that risk is ok and actually really exciting, the key though for me is that I commit those plans to him. (Proverbs 16:3) After coming across that verse last week I've realized the importance of risk. I can risk moving to NC in 4 days and be confident in that. I can risk leaving my family and my circle of friends while trusting that if I commit my life to the Father that he will provide even if I don't recognize it at first. I'm scared, I'm nervous no one will like me and I'll be lonely, I'm nervous I'm not going to be a good pastor but it's time to take the risk and jump of the cliff into adulthood...