"In My Life Be Lifted High"

I'm a fan of Hillsong United! They are a band out of the land down under and they are just rocking my face off lately.
One of their songs is called "Came to the Rescue" and in this song it talks about how in the writer's desperation they called out to God and he came to the rescue. In this song though there is a response to the Chorus. The words are:
"In my life be lifted high
In my world be lifted high
In our love be lifted high"This is a simple response I recognize this but it has really hit me hard lately. Almost everytime I hear this song and sing this response it brings me to my knees, I must live a Life not only in my actions and words but in every aspect. A life that lifts high the name of Jesus. A life that stands United with the those around me and vows to Glorify Jesus in the lives the leads.
Thank you for those of you in my life who are doing that already, thanks for being the example that we need. Thanks for the challenge to walk in the path of living lifes that are lifted High...
My Update and What I've Learned

Wow it's been a long time since I have blogged and I appologize for that. But here is a bit of an update.
So in a couple of weekes I graduate from IWU. I can't believe that it's almost over for college at least for now. But I have found where I am going to live when i move to North Carolina. It's a nice two bedroom and two bathroom apt. I'm excited about the possibilities that God has given me for ministry. I was able to spend time with the youth this weekend and learn about their lives. I'm excited about building a solid leadership team with some of the future seniors. Last Sunday though was a highlight for me. I was able to see the Chicago Cubs play in Wrigley Field. It was an amazing night. The Cubs won with a Grand Slam in the Bottom of the 8th. What a game.
What I have learned lately: The closer I get to Graduation the more I realize that I'm not totally prepared for ministry. There is a lot I have to learn over the next few years. I've also learned that I really like IWU. There is a sense of community here at IWU that I don't believe that I will ever have again. Those of you who do go to IWU don't forget the amazing opportunity to build relationships with people here. I'm preparing to go into the real world and I'm more nervous than I ever though possible but I know that God is leading me to the right place and I'm excited about ministry! Thanks for those who are praying for me and for my ministry. I'm excited to keep you posted on what I am learning and how God is using your prayers to expand the kingdom...thanks to all who are standing strong to the Faith.