My True Valentine
Well it's Valentines day, and infact for me it's the end of Valentines Day for 2006. To be honest I went through a range of emotions. It was a beautiful Feb. day here at the WU and to say the least there was a lot of "wooing" going on here. It was great to see men fight for their women, and build that trust. I saw women drive hours from other states to see their men, and their men to be so excited to see their Princess. I began to want a Princess of my own. Now I don't have an official Valetine but, I felt like I had gotten a Valentine today in a way that I wasn't expecting. I like to think that there are days and things in our lives that we can get away from and there was a Valentine message I just couldn't get away from today!It all started about noon today. A guy at our school named Andrew was leading a trip to the local prison here in Marion to talk to the women there and give them homemade Valentines. He came by and said hi, told me what time they were going, and left. About 15 mins. later Andrew comes running up to my chair and tells me that the guy they asked to speak to the women has just gotten sick and need surgery. Then came the words that changed my day and maybe my life. " you come and speak?"
"Yeah sure...i'll just tell my prof. i'm not coming to class" as I shook in fear. I have never been to prison i've never really wanted to go there, yet no matter how much I was afraid to go, God wasn't going to let me get out of this. Now I've blogged before about what I felt when God changed my sermons but never something like this. I had lunch with a guy named Eric Romer before the trip was to take place. Eric gave me some great insight on Luke 15. Simply "We are important, we are valuable, and no matter what happens God is so in love with us..." Now this seems elementary but on Valentines Day it was my one and only true Valentine.
Through out the entire time I was able to speak the Holy Spirit continued to say through and to me, that I haven't forgotten about you, I'm so in love with you Happy Valentines day. Now maybe i'm being a hopeless romantic with my faith but today I just don't care. As I saw tears falling on women's face, tears that were out of genuine joy that men were telling them that they were important and not forgotten God spoke to me saying the same things.
These women that I saw sitting in a jail cell, not happy when we first woke them up, began to be Jesus to me, smiling and saying "to what you do to do the least of these you do to me, well done." My friends as Valentines Day ends or as you remember it, tom. or whenever you read this, know that You are Valuable You are Important, and NO MATTER WHAT, He will RUN to YOU!
How was your Valentines day? What happened? tell me your story!